Game of Thrones: The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Best episode of the season, things are really starting to pick up.
11 May 2014
Great Episode. In my opinion, the best of the season. Game of thrones is an extremely complex series with a substantial number of characters and stories to tell. In this episode things seem to take a large dramatic step and things really started to heat up. Several of the main characters make major plays and things fall into place from events set in motion long ago. The writing for this series is so well written how they develop their characters into such great depth and they continue to become more complex and interesting. One of those in particular took such a dark dramatic turn from what it once was in the beginning of the series. The last 15 minutes of this episode alone makes it one of the best and features some of the best dialogue, writing and especially acting of the series.
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