Game of Thrones: The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Another Saturday night, Another great episode
12 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's about time!!! . The bastard son of Valyria, "Braavos" makes it's first appearance on screen as it also becomes the part of the opening sequence of the show "Dat Titan of Braavos tho" . Braavos is famous for many things , one of which is the Iron bank. The bank is known through out to provide gold to Westeros and fund in wars, The reason why Stannis visits the place. The man wants the throne real bad. Also it was such a delight to see Mark Gatiss play the braavosi banker. The conversation was well scripted and much better played by the three actors. So, yeah The bank finally decides to fund Stannis after Davos shows the banker his plucked fingers which Stannis took for his past crimes as a smuggler. Well, if only that could work for me in a bank. Will this gold be enough for the man to make a big army and get a bunch of ships ? , well he certainly got the pirate Salladhor on his side. All we need to do now is wait for the show to tell us if the brother of Robert really does win the iron throne.

What would you do if your brother is being torn apart from both the outside and inside? Well if you're an Iron born you would definitely take your best men and get your brother back. (This is just if you're a woman ). So Yara Grejoy travels from the Iron islands to Dread fort to save her baby brother. It goes well until she meets Theon. OH! Did I say Theon? .. How silly of me , I meant Reek. Yes that's right Yara your precious little brother is dead. Tormented and brutally mutilated , Ramsay has made the prince of the Iron islands his play thing. Theon would have ran away with his sweet sister but Reek, Reek has no sister, only a master for whom Reek must do whatever he asks. So Yara and her men have to run away from the place after Ramsay releases his hunting dogs on her. The sister now believes that "Theon is dead"

Yayy Dragons....... Yayy Drag..... Yayy D.... Ya.....Y ... So finally . Finally!!! We got to see a dragon. But not as expected to be seen. Of course a dragon is a monster , having no sense of right or wrong "Can't be Tamed" according to Ser friend zoned. The Shepperd was unfortunate or maybe he wasn't . Well! At least he got a huge sum of money for the price of food Drogon took from the Shepperd. Also we got to see Hizdhar , Yes Hizdhar!! .. Oh . Oh yeah, so Hizdhar is the lord from one of the oldest houses in Meeren. The man tells the queen that his father was a good man and so on... Asking to give him a proper funeral and so on.. What I really want to talk about is the throne room. Yes! What a set!! . A miniature version of the throne room in the Red keep, with Daenerys sitting high. Well done guys! , I'm sure the book readers weren't disappointed at all by the creation of this set because it is almost the same as GRRM wrote it in his Novels.

The little chat between "The spider" Varys and "The red viper" Oberyn was quite deep I thought. It held and hid a lot of secrets and thoughts which we didn't realize. Well, Not yet. Especially the last thought of Varys , when he speaks about the pursuing of dreams and gazes upon the iron throne. Let's wait and see what yet remains unseen.

The Imp is back. Exactly! Tyrion of the house Lannister is called upon trial by his lord father "The hand of the king". After each of the witnesses are called upon and asked to speak. Meryn, Pycelle, Cersei and also Varys did not fail to kill the dwarf's hope for that he might yet live. We have all started to like The king slayer now. He loves his imp of a brother and asks to form a deal with Tywin and give up king's guard only if the father spares his son's life . The deal is made and Tyrion's to be sent on The wall. BUT!!!! The little hope left in Tyrion is taken away as his lover Shae appears and starts her confessions against him. Heart Broken and losing all hope. The actor Peter Dinklage comes alive in Tyrion. Peter you beauty!!!!!!. What a moment that was. When he starts confessing of his crimes as an imp and outrages on everyone present there. That dialog could not have been played better . Hats off to the amazing actor , he should have won an Emmy right on the spot. So the final moments of the episode come to an end with Tyrion demanding trial by combat and rains of castamere being heard by the viewers. Well done producers. WELL DONE. They just keep delivering every Saturday night with another master piece
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