Person of Interest: Deus Ex Machina (2014)
Season 3, Episode 23
Person of Interest' evolution into a 'truly great' show!
16 May 2014
Shoo away everybody who thinks Person of Interest is no longer about the "Person of Interest of the week" and hence sucks. If you don't like it, simply don't watch it. While PoI was a good/great show when it dealt with a 'case of the week' theme in the first two seasons, it has elevated into a truly great show in Season 3, a show that can now be spoken of in the same breath as the likes of Breaking Bad. 'The Crossing' and now 'Deus Ex Machina' have been two of the best hours on TV the past season. – The closest comparison to PoI's evolution would be Arrow, a show that was good in it's first season dealing with a baddie of the week but has now elevated into a great show with a season-long-baddie in Season 2. - I honestly thought that there would not be a show in a long time that could match the grandeur & scale of 'Lost'…such was the enormity & complexity of Lost that it's creators themselves couldn't understand where the show was heading. Now I can happily tick that item off my list of TV worries now that Person of Interest is here to keep me company in it's 'machina' arms! Besides the PoI writers actually seem to know where the show is heading, unlike the ones at Lost.
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