Review of 1984

1984 (1956)
"Hate Week" brought to you by the "Ministry of Love"
23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** George Orwell's film based on his book "1984" about a future totalitarian state is more shocking now then it was it was first released some 60 years ago. With new speak and thought police now so common in our everyday language it was Orwell who coined those phrases that are so accurate in today's society. In the film party member Winston Smith, Edmond O'Brian, tries to fight the totalitarian government that he works and slaves for but ends up a mind numbed zombie for doing it. It was with his fellow party, of Oceania, member pretty blond Julia, Jan Sterling, that Winston tried to start a revolution but sadly found that only he he besides Julia were wiling to risk their lives or sanity in doing it.

***SPOILERS***Back-stabbed and betrayed at every turn by a number of so-call friends who claimed to be on board with them in the end both Winston & Julia were turned into the thought police by those that they trusted most inner Party man O'Connor, Michael Redgrave, and junk shop owner Carrington, David Kossoff, to be tortured and re-educated by the state. It was love, that was outlawed by the state, that first brought both Winston & Julia together but fear by those whom they most trusted most that in the end did them both in. And it was fear or rule by fear that the government, Oceania, kept it's citizens in line.

P.S We never really get to see the "Big Guy" called "Big Brother" or "Be-Be", as he's so affectionately called by his terrified and enslaved people , who's running this entire ruthless and sleaze ball operation that causes so much suffering for it's people but we do see posters of him plastered all over the place. From what we see of the posters of "Be-Be" he look a lot like the then dictator-like Director of the F.B.I J. Edger Hoover!
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