Loiter Squad (2012–2014)
Wow, three seasons of real trash TV!
28 May 2014
This show is truly the most offensive, least creative thing I've yet seen on Adult Swim, with the emphasis on "least creative" (because everything on Adult Swim could be considered offensive). I love shows like Xavier: Renegade Angel because it was obvious that the level of intellect going into the wordplay on that show was beyond anything on television at the time. The Eric Andre Show is clever because of the way it fiercely de-constructs the late-night talk show genre. Even Robot Chicken sometimes rises above its amateurish nature, winking at the stoned English majors in the crowd as if to say, "Yeah, we get you..."

Loiter Squad, on the other hand, is content to reject any glimmer of intellect and instead slams you in the face with tired racist sight gags and reheated "Jackass-style" pranks that taste a lot less fresh in 2014 than they did a decade ago. It reeks of what I would call intellectual laziness. Why waste brain power trying to think of a call-back to a previous bit or researching an appropriate pop culture reference when you can just make yet another predictable watermelon or tap dancing joke?

The thing that upsets me is that crap like this is cheap and easy to create, so of course it will last longer than several of the brilliant but more expensive shows that Adult Swim has produced. I just sincerely hope that there are fewer people watching a third season of this trash than there were clamoring for more Xavier.
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