Evil Dead (2013)
EVIL DEAD-Big fan of the originals and big fan of this new reboot.
30 May 2014
Well it's been a long time since we've had a new addition to this series but I believe it was worth the wait in most respects. They're certainly are those that will cling to the classic and swear up and down that this film doesn't measure up but I found this movie much more entertaining then the likes of the new "Halloween", "Friday the 13th" or the dreaded "Nightmare on Elm street" remakes. Now I do admit that being the shiniest turd in the cat box doesn't make something "good" but I think this movie is superior in almost every way to those stinkers and many of the modern horror movies we see today. Evil Dead (2013) sticks to the original for the most part which is important and gives us a modern touch that the younger generation, who may not have seen the original (yet) can relate to and get them interested in the series. Overall this movie is well directed, the acting is not Oscar worthy but it's pretty well done and the overall feel is one of a creepy, demented, spine tingling place that you certainly wouldn't want to spend your vacation at with the wife and kids. My advice if your a fan of the original is to just give this film a chance and try not to ridicule it every time you see a difference in the two. After all they did make a new one for a reason and sometimes change can be a good thing. Happy Haunting.
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