The Samaritan (I) (2012)
Really great, kept my interest...until the last 1/4 of the movie where it lost all it's momentum.
22 June 2014
I am a pretty big fan of Samuel L but who isn't right? So when I saw that he was the executive producer I was thinking this could have potential and figured ole Sam had a project he really liked and believed in, but to me it lost it's edge near it's end. I really liked the acting, that wasn't the problem at all. I found Ruth Negga's performance quite good, I had not seen her in anything but she is a very beautiful and talented women so I look forward to seeing her in other films. Tom wilkinson was great as always, he's done so many good movies and I have really come to enjoy his range and talent as an actor over the years, I just wished he had a larger role in this film) Luke Kirby was great as well, he really plays the guy u love to hate well, I thought his character was a cocky, no good, slimy piece of dog excrement and believe me that is a complement to him and his performance (although it doesn't sound like it does it? Oh well). And Samuel L was fantastic as usual. The problem was either with the writing or the adaptation of it onto celluloid in my opinion. The movie starts off interesting enough and I actually found it to be picking up momentum as it went along and it also had a twist, a twisted twist if u will that was pretty off-putting but made the story more compelling and worked well. I really thought this movie was going to be great but near the end (and thats what is so disappointing) the movie just seemed kinda sloppy and confused on where it wanted to go. It's really a shame because it had a lot of potential but just couldn't quite seal the deal in my opinion. This wasn't an awful movie by any standards but it also wasn't great and will most likely be forgotten within a short amount time, oh well I guess u could say that about most movies huh?
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