All style, no substance...and not my kind of film
27 June 2014
Unfortunately, I absolutely hate films that are all style over substance. I find them tedious, a chore to sit through and the polar opposite of entertaining. THE STRANGE COLOUR OF YOUR BODY'S TEARS, a tribute of sorts to the Italian gialli of the 1970s and in particular the work of Dario Argento, is one such film and something I really struggled to sit through.

The basic plot sees a husband searching for his missing wife in his apartment complex, and there's literally nothing more to it than that. The filmmakers use this as an excuse to fit together dozens of arty shots of people being sliced, stabbed and some more surreal set-pieces. There's an unpleasant sexual side to the proceedings at times while in other places it's frankly dull.

The cast is nothing to write home about but the film is indeed beautiful to look at; the camera-work is very good and sometimes stunning, but I always find the look of a film comes second to the plotting which is why I couldn't enjoy this. If these arty bits had been interspersed with a more solid narrative and some real storytelling then I might have liked this; as it stands, I hated it. Your mileage may vary.
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