Space Dandy (2014)
One of the Funniest Shows Ever Made
6 July 2014
Before you watch this show, I should warn you this: Literally anything can happen on this show. If you think the plot is going to go in a certain direction, it's not. This is the genius of this show.

The show is the funniest anime that I've ever seen, and easily in my top five for funniest shows of all time. All I'll tell you about the plot is that it concerns Dandy, a lazy, moronic alien hunter, his vacuum cleaner/robot QT, incredibly useful but outdated, and Meow (real name unpronounceable), an alien who resembles a cat, and their surreal adventures. And I'll leave it there because I do not want to spoil ANY of the weird things that go on in the show.

Curiously enough, the thing I often compare it to in my mind is not Cowboy Bebop (who shares a creator), or any other anime for that matter, but The Big Lebowski. Think about it: the characters don't change all that much, the villains seem to exist only to be villains, and all sorts of weird things and characters are encountered.

That being said, I highly recommend this series. Enjoy.
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