Cas & Dylan (2013)
A sweet and touching story worth seeing
16 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, even as a Canadian, I am always a little wary of Canadian film. It hasn't always had the best reputation. Canadian Films tends to be low budget and go out of their way to be so called "uniquely Canadian" while sacrificing entertainment and sometimes plot to do that. I watch films to be moved and entertained so I don't care how "Canadian" it feels. I also admit I watched Cas & Dylan for one reason and that is Tatiana Maslany. I adore her. I have a huge crush on her and I think she is a brilliant actress. I base all of that on the fact that I became an enormous Orphan Black fan this year and I think she is awe inspiring in her multi-roles. I was excited to watch her in a film doing something a little different. Cas & Dylan starts out a little slow and then gradually works its way into your heart...not unlike both of our lead characters in the film. It is a sweet, fun, sad and maybe just a tad predictable story about two unlikely friends travelling across Canada. What started as an okay 6/10 movie ended with me having tears in my eyes and giving this a solid 8. It is well acted, carefully plotted and features two very, very good actors doing what they do best. Its a buddy film, a road trip film, a dark comedy and a deeply touching movie that will have you thinking about it long after its over.

Of course I already pronounced my adoration for star Tatiana Maslany. She is charismatic, strong, and a complex character that you really have to watch to appreciate. She has a lot going on in this film and not all of it is explored but she does an excellent job. As in Orphan Black she commands your attention and carries the film flawlessly. She does this with the help of a legendary character actor in the form of Richard Dreyfuss. I've always enjoyed his work but its been a long time since I've seen him in anything. He is exceptional in this!! The chemistry between him and Maslany is near perfect and grows throughout the film as you watch their turbulent friendship unfold. Dreyfuss gives a subtle performance that you think about after and simply The two of them are absolutely the backbone and focus of the film. Costs are obviously kept low by this being nearly a two person film with a few quirky characters along the way including a small role by Canadian legend Jayne Eastwood.

Anyone who says "Jason Priestly" immediately makes everyone think 90210 but he has been a film maker behind the scenes for awhile now. He has done a lot of directing various types of Television series and honing his skills and I happen to think he did a very good job with this. It wasn't perfect, he certainly doesn't use the Canadian backdrop the way some directors would but to me...I couldn't care less. This is a character study through and through and he makes those characters come to life. Unlike many independent films the director did not write the film and this is a positive move as well. I don't think a writer very often knows how to properly direct their own work. Cas & Dylan is definitely not a mainstream sort of film but anyone who wants a nice story, a solid drama, with good performances and see something uniquely Canadian that is very entertaining and moving then you shouldn't be disappointed by this. Absolutely worth seeing especially if you too are a fan of Maslany or Dreyfuss! 8/10
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