Doctor Who: Deep Breath (2014)
Season 8, Episode 1
A mixed bag
23 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review will be full of spoilers *** The episode started badly with a dinosaur as tall as Elizabeth's Tower, which is more commonly and incorrectly known as Big Ben. That would have made the creature almost 100m tall, and a dinosaur that tall has never existed. It reminded me of the promotional poster of the original King Kong, in which he's depicted holding a woman as tall as a skyscraper.

Then we have some scenes with Clara talking to Madam Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax. It's mostly uninteresting and at times Strax appears to be a total moron, particularly during his medical examination of Clara. Then The Doctor rides off on a horse.

At this point I was very unhappy, but then we moved onto the restaurant scene, the cyborg and the robots. Nice and creepy, good ideas, the things that Steven Moffat does best.

I understand that Moffat wants to keep it a kiddie friendly show, but IMO he overdid it here. Another Doctor that says Geronimo, really? However I must end on the most positive note of the episode, Peter Capaldi is excellent. No disrespect to Chris, David or Matt, but Peter looks like the Nu Who Doctor I wanted. I hold onto the hope that good writing will allow him to deliver some classics.
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