Clever film that deserves a better rating
4 September 2014
I had the (mis)fortune of guessing the punch-line of this film quite early on, but then it's like the material I write myself in some respects. I think a normal audience would be about 50/50, in pre-empting it or not.

The performances are what really stand out in this film. It's like a stage-play: an all-closed-in, single-room (more or less) production - in fact I wonder if it started life as a stage-play.

Fairuza Balk as the vile Rose is just extraordinary, since she is given so much weight to carry for the whole act. She is backed up by equally stirring jobs from Rick Ravanello and Ryan Merriman. Some of the extras supporting crew are a little weak, but even then...

The thing is, this film creeps up on you, and I like that. After tolerating about an hour of the early-90's-pseudo-feminist psycho-babble drivel that pours out of Rose's mouth - and it keeps pouring, the whole film, her well of crud never runs dry - the voice in the back of your head becomes louder. The voice saying "something is going on here"... listen to that voice, and explore where it feels like taking you.

Wouldn't say this movie is a masterpiece, but it's damn clever and kept me turning the page to the end (even AFTER I guessed what lies beneath). It certainly deserves higher than the silly 4.something it has at the moment here on IMDb.

Had it been a stage-play after all, I would have happily applauded loud and long as the cast took their bows.
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