The World of James Bond (1995 TV Movie)
If you need to know what BAYWATCH gals think of Bond . . .
9 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
. . . then THE WORLD OF 007 is the perfect period piece for you. If not, better skip it. This puff job is so 1990s, only the history majors among Generation X, Y, and Z'Ers will be able to stomach it. It's hard to see how anyone could have found any "fresh" insights here even in 1995, when it first ran on TV. For Gosh Sakes, some oldie guy speaks from the grave on grainy black & white film--just because he named a made-up spy after the author of a bird book lying around on his "coffee table" (if you still have a great-granny with half her marbles, ask her to explain to you what exactly "coffee tables" were in long ago yesteryear). This factoid-riddled fluff purports to show off "highlights" of the 16 James Bond spy flicks which preceded GOLDENEYE. When I had marketing, it was emphasized that referring to such a long track record might be appropriate to shill products like Ex-Lax or Preparation H. However, a sagacious person would NOT emphasize decades of rote repetition regarding supposedly cutting-edge cultural commodities (for example, movies). A Bond VHS tape commercial is included here. I half expected that to be followed up by a plug for an Agent 007 Victrola Grammaphone.
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