Review of Jenifer

Masters of Horror: Jenifer (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Jones and Wrightson had it right the first time...
16 September 2014
It's hard when you're a fright fan to see a story you've always loved adapted for The Big Screen- or, worse still, television. Rarely do the filmmakers get it right; the teevee people have an even worse track record. Case in point: JENIFER, the Bruce Jones/Bernie Wrightson classic. I read it when I was a kid, and it made a lasting impression on me. It was truly horrifying. Brilliantly constructed and beautifully rendered, JENIFER, despite its grisly depictions, was one of my all time favorite tales of terror. Along comes Steven Weber and Dario Argento- neither one of whom could conjure forth such a tale on their own- and suddenly JENIFER's rewritten, dumbed down, and foisted upon unsuspecting viewers as part of the "MASTERS" OF HORROR series. Argento has always been a filmmaker whose gifts seem to me to be more on the TECHNICAL end of things; like Kubrick; NOT the Storytelling end of things. It shows here, all too clearly. The sausage-munching scene pretty much says it all.
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