Review of The Shroud

Stargate SG-1: The Shroud (2007)
Season 10, Episode 14
The Priory of Daniel Jackson
22 September 2014
At the end of "the quest", Daniel Jackson had been abducted by Vala's Hellspawn child-of- the-Ori "Adria" (the ever-beautiful Morena Baccarin from FireFly).

This is basically the continuation of that tale. We know that Merlin had dumped his knowledge into Daniels mind, but what we did not know was that Merlin and Daniel were living as one being, and that Merlin had planned this whole scenario from ages long past. The moment Daniel stuck his head into that machine, a certain course of events was destined to play out.

SG-1 hears about a strange Ori prior who is using the soft sell rather than the hellfire promises that regular Ori Priors use. That was all the clue they needed to suspect it was Daniel- and it was.

But what we have here is a dilemma of choices. Has Daniel been completely taken over by the Ori, Or is he still the Merlin-Daniel hybrid, acting out Merlin's plan to destroy the Ori? The whole thing could be an Ori trick to set off Merlin's device in our galaxy, destroying the ancients instead of the Ori.

As each member of SG-1 considers this choice Landry and Woolsey (Robert Picardo) also voice their concerns, and Woolsey's decision is far too drastic.

They even get Jack O'Neill (two L's) involved again- and that is what makes this episode the best episode of season 10.

Because once again we have the original SG-1 team working with the two new members of SG-1 that came from Farscape, Cam Mitchell (Ben Browder) and Vala Mal Daran (Claudia Black)- so it is one big happy family.

Is Daniel really speaking the truth, or is he going to go full-Ori on SG-1, once he gets onto the Ori Mothership? Is he going to hand the device over to Adria?

This episode is Michael Shank's shining hour- he has become a full Ori prior, and he plays the role believably, so much that we are not truly convinced he is telling the truth when he says he is playing a game of sorts. But even if he is lying, there are moments between Jackson and O'Neil that are so much like the conversations they had in seasons one through seven, and even though Jack O'Neill is not part of SG-1 any longer, he still knows Daniel Jackson and Daniel Jackson knows him, these two people know each other better than any other people in the world, or whatever world that they have a gated to in the past.

When it comes down to it this episode shows the human condition: that there has to be faith and there has to be trust even though there is the possibility that we will be lied to or somebody will fool us, we do have to be careful and suspect that this might happen but there are times when we can't assume we are being fooled, and that we have to trust that we are being told the truth.
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