Doom Asylum (1987)
Deliberately awful.
17 October 2014
A terrible car crash leaves the driver, Mitch (Michael Rogen), horribly disfigured and a little bit deranged, and his girlfriend Judy (Patty 'Frankenhooker' Mullen) just plain dead. Ten years later, Judy's teenage daughter Kiki (also played by Mullen) and her obnoxious pals visit the supposedly deserted asylum where Mitch now prowls the corridors, looking for victims to hack up with his autopsy instruments.

I can appreciate the appeal of an unintentionally bad horror movie, but really don't understand why anyone would go out of their way to make deliberately atrocious garbage like Doom Asylum, which knowingly serves up irritating characters, terrible acting, abysmal dialogue, and lousy spoof horror gags. All attempts at humour are absolutely pitiful, with killer Mitch spouting crap one-liners that make Freddy Krueger look like a comedic genius. The film also resorts to padding out the running time with lengthy clips from old black and white horror movies that the killer likes to watch when not out slaughtering teens.

Working slightly in the film's favour are the cheap but delightfully grisly make-ups effects, with the goriest moments including a drill though the head, a victim drenched in acid, a circular saw in the face, and some nasty toe-snipping. There's also a fair bit of female flesh on display courtesy of Playboy Pet Mullen and a young Kristin 'Sex in the City' Davis as sexy nerd Jane, both of whom spend the entire movie in their swimsuits, while Ruth Collins, as screechy punk rocker Tina, briefly bares her tits.

For the blood and the babes, I award Doom Asylum a rating of 4/10, which is probably more than it really deserves.
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