Wonderfully dated...
30 October 2014
  • transport yourself to a stylish, faux mid-Sixties Los Angelean world, where adults say things such as 'It's not my Scene' to each other with perfectly straight faces, and Janet Leigh (sporting a simply fab Vidal Sassoon bob) almost outshines an absolutely ghastly, stereotypically awful Poor Little Rich Girl played with all the power of a snake-charmer by the superb ueber-diva Eleanor Parker. Everyone is somehow affluent and healthy, yet bitter and twisted…ah, those were the days! (?!); what sublime self-indulgence we wish we could all afford! Doubt whether a world like this really ever existed, but sure dig the groovy music, baby! (Oh, and the original title is significantly more apt than presumably Mailer's cynical 'An American Dream'? Sheesh..!)
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