Classic famous monsters quality trashed into B movie
1 November 2014
Around the time this movie came out I wasn't able to see it. I only got to view black & white pictures of it in a Famous Monster magazine. This doesn't seem like the quality you'd expect from Universal Pictures that is well known for in classic monster movies. This one is rather more like cheap B movies. I couldn't help but notice J. Carrol Naish as Dr. Duryea/ Dr. Frankenstein clicking his false teeth a lot when talking. Lon Chaney Jr. as Groton seem to be like Tor Johnson. They should of picked someone else as Dracula, cause Zandor Vorkov seem weak for the part and not what Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee fans would expect. John Bloom as Frankenstein's Monster was interestingly OK; his face reminded me of an Asian golem. Stupid thing about make-up artists is Dracula's hands weren't as pale as his face and Frankenstein's Monster hands didn't have that greenish hue color of his either. The House of Horrors could of been a lot better than it was. If movie makers are looking for something to remake cause they ran out of ideas for something original, this movie should be redone better than it was.
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