Gotham: Harvey Dent (2014)
Season 1, Episode 9
2 Iconic Meetings
17 November 2014
Gotham has had it's fair share of geek out moments, but tonight gave us two really big meetings. Unfortunately both weren't as great as they were made out to be. Whether or not Harvey Dent was brought in too early or not is a different discussion, but my beef lies with the fact that he's twenty years older than Bruce. It just seems like they brought Harvey in for more viewers and not to serve the purpose of the story. Surely there's someone else who can further the Wayne murder mystery a bit that isn't Gotham's most famous DA.

With that being said it was a solid episode. I really enjoyed the Bruce-Selina dynamic. In fact it was one of the few times where I liked that the attention wasn't on the main characters. There "you walk quietly" lines were a bit forced but I think Selina and Bruce' personalities were on display beautifully tonight. I like the fact that they know each other long before costumes as it was a welcomed change to the mythos. Even the villain of the week at least had to do with the Falcone-Mooney rivalry. It didn't necessarily further that storyline but it at least tied in.

Penguin was as creepy as ever sniffing his way around Gotham. I thought the theme that they decided to play was brilliant and perfectly fit his character and I would like to hear more of it. The Riddler scenes were brutal to watch. I thought his cameos the first few weeks were fun but it's just out of place with the rest of the show at this point. We didn't get much of Bullock this week but we were introduced to Harvey Dent. Again I think the writers want to fit as many nods to the comic books as possible and bypass what actually make sense for the show. I didn't mind the coin flipping but to already show Harvey's dark side was too much. Make us care about the character before you give us a reason to question him.

As far as the last minute twist goes, I actually liked it. Not because of the actual scene itself but because it makes sense now. Barbara leaving Jim last week was so random that it almost ruined that episode. I'm interested to see where this story goes.

+Bruce & Selina

+Villain at least related to the story arc

+Penguin's theme

+Last second twist

-Dent's crazy side

-Why is he 20 years older than Bruce

-Riddler is unbearable

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