The Christmas Shoes (2002 TV Movie)
Lovely But Sad Christmas Movie
20 November 2014
A magical story about a pair of shoes that bring two strangers together. It's a tear jerker so it may not everyone's idea of a family Christmas movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Plot In A Paragraph: Two separate stories come together, in the first, a young music teacher, Maggie Andrews, is dying due to a heart problem and her son Nathan is trying to buy her a pair of Christmas shoes for her before she dies. In the second story, workaholic lawyer Robert Layton (Rob Lowe) and his wife Kate are drifting apart and things come to a head during Christmas when Kate takes over for Maggie for the school choir and turns down a job with Roberts company. Robert and Nathan's paths cross as Nathan tries to raise money for the shoes and Robert tries to get a present for his daughter.

Rob Lowe is excellent as both the jerk and the guy who has seen the error of his ways. Dorian Harewood (who I must has seen in over 50 movies and TV shows, but none immediately come to mind) deserves special praise, as does Kimberley Williams Paisley and Max Morrow.
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