Review of Rome

Rome (2005–2007)
Bring Rome Back!
12 December 2014
WHY was this series canceled?!!! While waiting for the new season of Game of Thrones to return, my husband and I started watching Rome on demand to stave off our epic genre addiction and we Love it! We were so disappointed to find out that it had been canceled! What a shame and only 2 seasons? Why?

Fans FYI: Having never heard of the characters Vorenus and Pullo, I assumed they were probably fictional characters but I did some digging and found that Vorenus and Pullo are only semi-fictional characters and were two of the very few plebeians/soldiers mentioned by Caesar in his writings, whose names appear as 'Titus Pulcio' and 'Lucius Varenus'. The first mention of Varenus and Pulcio comes in Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War.

Caesar tells us that the camp of the XIII legion was attacked by the Nervii in 54 BC and was about to be overrun. Pulcio jumped the ramparts to fight hand-to-hand with the Nervii. Varenus, not wanting Pulcio to reap all the glory, then jumps the ramparts too, killing many of enemy. As a demonstration of "brotherly love" and comradeship, they each save the other's life at certain points during the fight. Caesar said it was impossible to decide who was braver.

HBO, PLEASE bring Rome back!
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