Had the feel of a Scorsese movie & was good but I was hoping for a little better. I do recommend it though.
15 December 2014
"This is a story about coming to America, only it's not that story, the one where everyone lives happily ever after." This is the true story of Sonny (Chon) and his best friend Steven (Wu), two Chinese immigrants living in New York in the 1980's. The join a gang called the Green Dragons and quickly become main players in the gang. After drugs and a woman get involved the two are pitted against each other and things become deadly. I am a huge Scorsese fan and even though he only produced this I was looking forward to it. This did have a very Scorsese like feel to it and in some ways really reminded me of The Departed. The tension between the friends and the peripheral players really adds to the movie and the overall story. The fact that this is true really gives everything more of an edge and sucks you in deeper to the movie. Overall, a movie that had the feel of a Scorsese movie that was good but I was hoping for a little better. I did like and do recommend though. I give this a B.
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