Sometimes, less is more....
24 December 2014
There's been what seems like a small debate raging for years as to what settings the stooges work best in--outdoor location shoots with lots of scenery and a large supporting cast, or indoor shoots with few supporting players and minimal rooms.

It seems to me that the stooges thrived in both settings--although if I had to be totally honest--I might say I actually get more enjoyment from the later stooge shorts that were shot in fewer rooms & were indoors--because in those situations it seemed like there was more focus on slapstick & slapstick is my main selling point for the stooges.

Which brings us to the masterpiece that is "Corny Casanovas." The settings seems to be one apartment room that doubles for the stooges place of living and the apartment of Connie Cezon. Whatever the case, the stooges and Moe in particular really seem to get it and get it good when the violence is dished out.

Off the top of my head, Moe gets: a bucket on top of his head, mop shots to the face and mouth, a gunshot parting his hair, his best sportcoat scissored, a tack in his hand, tacks in the butt & of course, the wild beating he gets from Larry at the end of this outstanding episode.

Overall--if you're a stooge fan--then Casanovas should be required viewing.
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