this movie's everything a sequel should be!
17 January 2015
i'm a huge Alpha and Omega fan. i love the movies, i have all 3 of them on DVD and Blu-Ray. i think this is a fantastic franchise that just keeps getting better and better. now okay, i'll admit Alpha and Omega 3 went a little downhill (a little, not by much). that movie - although good - wasn't the sequel we wanted, it had flaws and it didn't really live up to the hype of the first two. now, Alpha and Omega 4 was the movie i was really excited about, cause the trailer was awesome. but i was also a little skeptical and worried if the movie was either gonna be great or a complete let down. cause ya know, usually after the third movie, a franchise starts to go downhill with the fourth movie. i'm really glad to say: Alpha and Omega 4 helped the franchise get back on track. you can already tell i loved this movie. sure, it's still 47 minutes long but whoa! i was so surprised at much i adored this sequel! it does everything right! the characters are back and they're better, the script's solid, it introduced two incredible new characters that i can't wait to see them again in the next one, it didn't shy away from being darker and more mature, it was funny, it was emotional, it was intriguing and intense... it's - like i said - everything a sequel should be. and yeah, the movie wouldn't be complete if it didn't have that awesome show down at the end. i'm telling ya, the climax of this movie is just all sorts of kick ass and awesome. by the time the end credits started rolling, i was sitting there all like "this movie's awesome!" and honestly, for any age group, this movie's gonna appeal to everybody. Hollywood, take note of this and give us more great sequels like Alpha and Omega 4. i loved this movie, it was my favorite movie of 2014, it deserves all the praise it's gotten so far. seriously, if you're a Alpha and Omega fan or a fan of movies in general, go and watch Alpha and Omega 4
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