A typically stupid gay movie from LA (where else?)
26 January 2015
Love Or Whatever is completely unbelievable, unfunny and unromantic.

The main character is ugly and obnoxious, a whining, self-obsessed creep. We're supposed to believe that two West Hollywood gym bunnies are in love with him. We're supposed to believe that he's a licensed, practicing psychotherapist. We're supposed to laugh at a slobbering, leering, lecherous old woman and at a middle-aged woman who enjoys being attacked by male mountain lions.

We're supposed to be touched (and laugh too, maybe?) when WeHo Gym Bunny #2 (the pizza guy, the tall one with blue eyes, in case you have trouble telling them apart) wipes the snot dripping from the poor heartbroken hero's nose. We're supposed to be thrilled (and laugh too, maybe?) at the possibility that they may indeed be THE ONE for each other.

Only fans of the endless Eating Out series and similarly stupid gay comedies could like this movie. It was made by and for morons.
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