Arrow: Midnight City (2015)
Season 3, Episode 11
28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow has been great to all of us hasn't it? It has consistently been my favorite show on television for the past 3 years and given us some of the best storytelling possible for a 23 episode season. But I just cant accept the show-runners turning Laurel into the new Canary. It's not logical, especially for a show so hell-bent on using reality to ground it's show in. I'm trying to like her character arc this season but it's just not doing it for me. It doesn't help that Caity Lotz was such an incredible Canary last season.

But tonight had it's many bright spots. I said it last week and I will say it again, I really enjoy the unusual character interactions we have gotten in Oliver's absence. Roy really stood out to me this week as a truly improved character. He fell into the shadow of the show the first two seasons but he is starting to fit into the mold of what the show is doing these days. Even though Diggle didn't have much to do this week, he still had the best line of the night to Laurel, "What the hell do you think you're doing Laurel?!" . It basically summed up exactly what I was, and hopefully the rest of the audience, was thinking watching her out in the field. I do appreciate them showing her struggles as she begins this crime fighting rampage. Her intentions make sense, it's just going to be a frustrating story to watch unfold.

We got to see some of Oliver in the present time line again. It was nice but are we ever going to find out just how he survived/was revived? I don't think simply saying he's alive is enough to satisfy the fan base. The dream sequence with Felicity was pretty terrifying and gruesome for a TV-14 show. I don't think it will be the last time we see these either. I'm really starting to enjoy the new trip of Maseo, Katanna, and Oliver. Both in the flashbacks and present day, there was enough material to keep me engaged all the way through. I think it was probably one of the best flashback weeks we have had all season.

Staying in the family, I thought Thea really shined this week as well. The DJ scenes were unbearable but Thea's character is much more interesting now that there's more to her than some drunk teen. By the way I totally called the DJ being an undercover League of Assassin member. Thea also had some great moments with Malcom. But really Malcom is great in every scene. His "I was looking for some humor" line to Roy was hysterical, and just about how I was feeling about that situation.

Lastly, I hate the fact that Quentin doesn't know about Sara. I cant believe they went as far as changing Laurels voice to hide that, although I did love hearing Caity Lotz' beautiful voice again. It's just disrespectful in my mind. It's really the one thing I just can't stand about this show right now. The man needs to know. But it looks like Oliver comes back next week so that should be very interesting.

+Flashback material surprisingly picking up


+Unusual character interactions were fun


+Malcom and Diggle's one-liners

-Laurel is an idiot

-Tell Quentin now

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