Eastenders for the Big Screen
5 February 2015
Nick Love used to be married to Pasty Palmer, Paul Nicholls used to be in Eastenders, Phil Daniels hasn't really done anything decent since Quadrophenia and was in Eastenders as well (and is actually the only decent actor in this) while Danny Dyer currently is in Eastenders... There is a very strong Eastenders feel to this and I don't mean that in a good way. It's a movie for people who for some reason wish they were raised on a "rough Southeast London" estate or for foreigners who will think this is what "rough Southeast London" estates are like. People who actually live on South London estates, rough or not, will look at it and wonder who came up with this rubbish before switching off. And don't get me started on the accents. I know some of the actors have strong London accents in real life, so why overdo them? It makes the movie even more fake than it already is. I live on a SE London estate, and no one here, old or young, speaks like that. The simple plot couldn't be more predictable than an Eastenders episode, so the only surprise is that instead of the famous drum roll, it all ends with Oasis, which is probably the best bit in the movie.
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