R2-D2: Beneath the Dome (2001 TV Short)
A pleasant surprise
20 February 2015
"Beneath the Dome" has to be the silliest thing I've seen in a long while, but it's all in good fun. It's like a "Behind the Music" special for R2-D2, and as such it covers everything in Artoo's life from his troubled upbringing (in a human family), his big break with "Star Wars", fall from grace into self-destruction, and fiery rebirth when the prequels were being made. What's surprising is how many people they got to be in on the joke, and it wasn't just whomever they could cobble together from the "Episode II" set: Steven Spielberg, Francis Coppola, Richard Dreyfuss, even Carrie Fisher and Harrison, although Hamill's absence was a bummer). Artoo's fitness training in the gym was a highlight. It topples over into the absurd during his failed bungy stunt, but how else could this have ended? It's a great mockumentary and a good bit of fun.

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