I Hate This Sequel
18 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another sequel? I don't get it!

1. The pups that the Alpha and Omega have are spoiled little brats that never respect their parents as authority figures. They told their parents that 'Didn't you two used to get into a lot of trouble?' Yes they did but that situation was out of their control and every other time it's the kids that keep causing the issues.

2. This movie fails at following the ark of the story with the Alpha and Omegas. Some of the other characters aren't even there. Where did they go? Why weren't they even mentioned? They call a place mountain pooh mountain in the first movie but that was a joke by Lily. In this movie though mountain pooh mountain is an actual title. How is it that these film makers couldn't tell that it was a joke and not a real place?

3. The animation is just as bad as the other sequels. It looks like an unfinished game-cube project.

4. This movie doesn't even work as trying to be scary since that is what it's supposed to be. The ghost isn't scary and hardly does anything but blow a bunch of leaves around and stare intensely. Sorry movie but that doesn't work.

5. The other animals are dull-witted, irritating and just serve no purpose to the story. The blind wolf should have been an Omega. Make her one and she can use her blindness for comedy. However the filmmakers seem to have forgotten the word 'Omega' in the title.

I have no idea how this has such a high rating when it's painfully obvious how much this movie isn't good. I give this a 1/10 because this movie fell flat on its face. Sorry Alpha and Omega fans but it's not very good.
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