Arrow: The Offer (2015)
Season 3, Episode 16
A solid set up to what would really happen in the next episode
19 March 2015
After watching the first two seasons of Arrow online, I decided to catch the premiere of this episode yesterday, making the first episode of Arrow I've seen on television. When I did, it turned out to be really good. Sure, some of the writing could have used a lot more work, but that's my only nitpick.

Everything else is done really well. The acting is solid and the characters so far are still believable as in the previous two seasons. The story is very emotional and it raises the stakes for Oliver to make his choice to either become Ra's Al Ghul or not. The pacing is fine for the most part and there are some good moments particularly with Team Arrow, the conversation of Thea and Malcolm Merlyn, the conversation of Ra's and Oliver as he explains why he needs a replacement to make the pool of water's healing effects work, and the chemistry between Oliver and Felicity. It also delivers on it's action and the music is top-notch!

Overall, The Offer is nearly a perfect episode, but everything else makes up for and it sets up nicely to what would happen in the next episode! Recommended!
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