Alias: Cipher (2002)
Season 2, Episode 3
The real battle....
27 March 2015
is as always between the long arc and the short arc.

I am writing this review from the far future. Well actually 2015 but in relation to when this was produced, that really is the far future.

It is a great series. But in revisiting it, episode by episode, I see things that reviewers contemporaneous to the show might have missed.

Reviewers at the time fell in love with Garner (who didn't?) and loved the whole Mission Impossible, Bionic Woman, Femme Nikita thing.

Looking back I cannot help but feel that what we were really seeing was the resume for JJ Abrams being painstakingly crafted week by week, script by script.

Now (in 2015) a Hollywood deity, Abrams made his bones with this series. And it shows. Props JJ.

This episode in particular is interesting. The short arc is the series of Bond-like trips to crazy locations to do crazy things. It is SUPPOSED to dominate. However watching from the far future I find the long arcs (Sloan "haunted" by his guilt and Sydney's mother connecting with her, played by Lena Olin, one of the great femme fatales of the era) MORE interesting.

To this reviewer, the moment when Olin asks Garner, why are not wondering how a mother could shoot her own daughter?, is the high point.

Just sayin
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