Fear Clinic (2014)
The low budget horror film …..That doesn't know its low budget.
4 April 2015
New Anchor Bay release, "Fear Clinic" is an unexpected thrill ride that's fun at every turn. It's a low budget horror film …..That doesn't know its low budget.

"Fear Clinic" is loosely based on the 2009 fearnet.com web series of the same name. It stars Robert Englung (Nightmare on Elm Street, Wishmaster, Urban Legend). The story follows Englunds Dr. Andover who's created a device that attempts to cure people of their worst fears. (Of course, no horror film would be worth its weight without something… going horribly wrong.)

The films stand out is Englund himself. Being a horror icon, you'd probably expect a phoned in, overzealous, scenery chewing performance. But that is just not true. He gives a vulnerable, emotional, unguarded and in the end, heart wrenching performance, that's by far, distanced from any other (sans make-up) character he's ever played. To his credit, Englund has little dialogue and utilizes his screen time speaking a thousand words, exuding recognizable emotion with just his eyes: A rarity now a days with all the You Tube instant celeb mediocrity regurgitated daily. It's a trick that only a seasoned actor of Englund's stature can convey.

Englund's Andover is a Doctor who truly believes he can help mankind. He becomes so emotionally involved, that he himself is, ultimately corrupted by the same evil force he's trying to cure.

Another stand out is actor Thomas Dekker. Dekker is best known for playing a young John Conner in the short lived "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles". Dekker, a veteran of "….Clinic" director Robert Hall's (Laid to Rest), here plays a wheel chair bound Blake, incapacitated and unable to speak. Dekker could have thrown on the cheese and played the character with reckless cliché : Instead, he's fearless here, walking a fine tightrope, inviting us in to share his characters tortured past, peeled back in delicate layers, all leading to a third act twist I defy you to see coming. This is Dekker's best work since playing Smith, the "Chosen Son" in the Canne', Palm Award winning film, "Kaboom" by director Gregg Araki.

Other cast stand outs include level headed Sara, played by Fiona Dourif, phobic crippled Megan, played with relish by Cleopatra Coleman, as well as worthy cast member and reluctant victim of Dr. Andover's device, the deliciously devious, possessed Paige, embodied with zeal by Bonnie Morgan (and helped by an outstanding special effects team): All, rising stars waiting to happen. Rounding out the cast are the horror film, "comedy relief staples", personified with glee by Kevin Gage and Corey Taylor.

Director Robert Hall, whose original web series the film is based on, returns here, showing his chops by leading his cast down a road of atypical mayhem. The director could have ridden a murder every 30 minute wave that most low budgeters settle for. Instead, he doubles down on the phobias and in turn, with the help of dynamic camera work by Cinematographer, Joseph White and interesting editing choices by Sherwood Jones, the film takes us on a ride with peaks and valleys that are fun and solidly different.

If I had to make one critical call I'd have to say my only regret was the over use of colored lighting gels that at times, bordered on annoying. But, if that's the worst thing that happened while viewing "Fear Clinic', I'm in pretty good shape.

If you're looking for seen it before, duplicated dreck, check out "Michael Myers: Part 15" or "Jason Voorhees: Part 18". But, if you want to see an unexpectedly original horror franchise villain, waiting to exploit endless possibilities of fear in the human mind, step out of your huge budget comfort zone. Take a leap of faith and give over to the delicate moments of horror fun. Then, watch it again and discover what new interpretations can be discovered in this low budget horror/thriller with each subsequent viewing.

A shout out to Sean Evans of "Back to the Movies" (http://bttm.co.uk ): It was through his web site, I was tipped off to this surprising gem. For that…. I am grateful.
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