Serial Mom (1994)
Please be kind and rewind...or DIE!!!
2 May 2015
It's been years since I had seen this movie so I remembered a little bit but I guess I didn't fully appreciate the genius of Jon Waters at that tender age of whatever the hell age I was in 94 (I don't feel like doin' math and I'm too busy doin' this bad ass review for all of u to be destracted by time consuming stuff like addition and numbers and all that jazz. How great is jazz, right? I mean Kenny G sucks ass but he's not even jazz in my opinion...wait I'm getting off topic, sorry back to the review). So Kathleen Turner is the quintessential 50's type Mom who can prepare and carve the perfect turkey dinner and then carve up some good ole fashioned murderin'. You know the kind Mom used to do? The rest of the family is just swell but even they begin to wonder whether there seemingly perfect matriarch is more Charles Manson then Betty Crocker. Turner cuts and slashes her way thru the little town they call home and slowly reduces the population one or two at a time with Johnny Law watching her every move. The use of satire and the way Water pisses all over the "perfect nuclear American family" is just plain fun for anyone who doesn't have a stick up their ass and enjoys a dark comedy and a savagely original film. The laughs are frequent and Waters unapologetic way of using the bizarre and macabre to amuse us is something that has to be appreciated by the people that don't like to follow the status quo and can take a joke. If you like anti heroes, dark comedy and you have a bit of a twisted sense of humor then watch this movie...after all it's based on a true story and Serial Mom is due for parole anytime.
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