No Deposit (2015)
I enjoyed watching this movie, but not its ending
7 May 2015
No Deposit is a great movie. I watched it about a week ago, and enjoyed it a lot. I found that movie as well shot and the fact this is an independent movie didn't bother me at all. Maybe this is due to the amazing cast or the story itself that had captured my attention, but I couldn't tell this is a low budget film.

I have read some of the other reviews here, and it seems like some viewers were not happy with the script and felt there are some unsolved issues, I can understand where did it come from and it bothered me too, however I understand that in movies you have to leave some room for your imagination.

All in all, I enjoyed watching this movie and think it I a great movie, yet – I didn't like the ending and think it could have been even better if there had been a different ending
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