If anything goes wrong I knew nothing about it
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Just released from prison after a 14 year stretch for bootlegging mobster "Gil" Glin, Ricardo "Ricky" Cortez, plans to corner the rubber tire racket or market by him and his goons, who stood by him his entire time he was incarcerated, stealing genuine rubber tires that are desperately needed for the war effort. Glin plans to dumb the tires down by mixing them with cheap and tawdry synthetic rubber and selling them at top prices to an unsuspecting public. It's when Freddy, Sam Edwards, the brother of Mary Dale, Barbara Reed, was killed due to a defected tire he brought from a car lot run by Glin that Mary's boyfriend defense worker Bill Barry, Bill Henry, and his fellow defense workers went into action.

Checking out all the car lots and tire joints that are run by Glin has him send his goons out to put a stop to Barry's efforts to put him out of business as well as back behind bars for subverting, with his cheap rubber tires, the US war effort against world fascism. At first trying to get on Barry's good side by just leaning on him a little in having his goons mildly working him over Glin finally decides to rub him out and use his moll Nikki, Rochelle Hudson, as bait. Even Nikki sees what a low life jerk as well as traitor to his country Glin is and refuses, at the possible cost of her life, to go along with his evil plan.

****SPOILERS**** The last straw for Glin is when his Chinese butler Tom, Kam Tong, who just enlisted into the US Army finds out what he's up to and threatens to turn him into the FBI. With Barry bloody and unconscious from the beating he took from Glin's hood locked in the closet Glin guns Tom, an American soldier on his way to fight fascism overseas, down as he heads to his secret tire factory to lay low from the police and FBI. With Barry breaking out of the closet and heading for the tire factory to confront Glin and his gang Barry's fellow patriotic defense workers join him in a wild mêlée where Glin's whole criminal operation falls apart. It in fact was one of Glin's most loyal followers the not too bright Dumbo, John Abbott, who finally saw the light and helped Barry put him away together with his entire criminal enterprise.
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