Nice nature views - otherwise terribly self-indulgent
24 May 2015
Having viewed Ken Burns' National Parks again recently this film was recommended to me. I was disappointed. Its clear the John Muir Trail has some nice scenery - but this poorly made movie and the people in it are ridiculous Supposedly these people are all AMAZING artists gathered to have an AMAAAAAZING adventure and along they way they meet other people who are....(wait for it...) AMAZING!. Apparently some people are are easily amazed. Too much time is spent having them interview each other, hug each other and say AMAZING about things about each other than the trail itself. Actually its amazing you can having this many people in a movie and none of them are either interesting or talented.

Prior to viewing this film I was interested in hiking the trail. Now, maybe I'd rather not. Would like to see the sights. Would rather not spend time running into an assortment of misfits trying to convince themselves they are doing something important. When the bear shows up at one point I was really rooting for an attack - but like everything else in this movie, the bear let me down too.

Think creativity is always a good thing? This movie can make you think otherwise.
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