Bulldog Drummond without Revenge
11 June 2015
British adventurer John Howard (as Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond) is all set to marry girlfriend Louise Campbell (as Phyllis Clavering), but a strange plot to steal the explosive "Haxtonite" from a plane sidetracks their nuptials. For this film series, that's par for the course. Scotland Yard investigator John Barrymore (as Colonel Nielson) is first informed about the explosive plot. He hopes his friend Drummond will get on with his marriage, after several cancellations. Driving with his pal Reginald Denny (as Algy Longworth) and manservant E.E. Clive (as Tenny), Drummond witnesses the plane crash and finds a dismembered hand and suitcase in the wreckage. When the plot thickens, Drummond must solve the mystery. Directed by Louis King, "Bulldog Drummond's Revenge" is fast, confusing and lacks the "Revenge" suggested by its title.

**** Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937-12-16) Louis King ~ John Howard, John Barrymore, E.E. Clive, Louise Campbell
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