Excellent Jaws Documentary
21 June 2015
The Shark is Still Working (2007)

**** (out of 4)

If you're a fan of JAWS then you're going to love this documentary, which was made by fans of the classic 1975 Steven Spielberg movie. The actual production of this documentary is so fascinating that it's story would probably make for a good documentary on its own. You can certainly read up about it at various online sites.

As far as this film goes, director Erik Hollander managed to get interviews with the big- top players of the film like Spielberg, Richard Dreyfuss, Peter Benchley and Roy Scheider but he also managed to get interviews with fans like Kevin Smith, Bryan Singer, Eli Roth, Robert Rodriguez and M. Night Shyamalan. All of these interviews give a terrific insight into the actual making of the movie but the fan interviews just go to show you what kind of impact the movie had on those watching it back when it was released.

The documentary features all sorts of outtakes as well as production photos and even some behind-the-scenes video that was shot on the set. The highlight of the documentary would be the terrific stuff dealing with the locals and how they ended up in the actual movie. I'm not going to spoil anything for fans who might not know the stories but a lot of the well-known parts in the film were actual locals and they are interviewed here as well. Needless to say, this has pretty much everything a JAWS fan would want so it comes highly recommended.
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