A Satisfyingly Heartwarming Teen Drama, that is neither Better nor Worse than the Anime
25 June 2015
For those familiar with the anime this feature is based upon, a number of the scenes will be easily recognizable, and though some changes have been applied, both subtle and massive, the directionality and focus the anime developed is well produced in this live action teen drama.

Mikako Tabe is especially brilliant in her role as Sawako, an outcast, who is largely feared in the classroom due to her likeness, in both name and appearance, to Ringu's Sadako, despite her genuinely friendly demeanor, and desire to help, often abandoning her own wants for the sakes of other people. Haruma Miura provides a performance that is equally satisfying as Kazehaya, the most popular boy in class, whose sincerely charming and appreciative attitude towards Sawako, assists in heightening her communicative abilities, allowing her to find friendship and happiness, while also discovering herself.

The film moreover, refines the back-story behind Sawako's nickname in a broader, and more visual manner than was attempted in the anime, the use of scenes from the movie Ringu, furthering the resemblance between our favorite long haired ghost, and the sweet high-school student. This is heightened by Ms. Tabe's facial expressions and tone, her socially awkward persona having the capacity to be misinterpreted as sadistic by those unfamiliar with her. These acting techniques enable her character to appear even more reserved and introverted, while her compassionately sweet personality is additionally accentuated, allowing the audience to easily sympathize with her situation.

Though similar instances occurred during the anime, the feelings and tone expressed in the series being potentially relatable for those who had experienced comparable occurrences in high-school, this was occasionally accompanied with humor, while the more dramatic atmosphere of the film allows the emotional flare to be more impacting. Despite Sawako appearing equally kind in the anime, this was potentially hindered by the continuous repetition, alongside the longevity applied to certain segments. Where a couple episodes may have sufficed, often these were drawn out, whereas in this live action movie adaption, though a couple of sub-characters and plots are removed, the focus on the primary narrative makes it easier to follow.

Moving on, during the anime, the characters could potentially be described as 'stiff' in regards to their movements, while in the film, which is especially true for Sawako (who appears very girly), the bodily gestures further the characterization. The film immediately demonstrates Kimi Ni Todoke to be a love story, the narration occasionally provided by both lead characters strengthening their emotions and points-of-view. Though the awkwardness and tension between the leads is perhaps not as well conceived as it was in the anime, the chemistry, reactions and feelings are very well preserved, and when combined with the musical score, makes for a heartwarming experience.

Ume (Mirei Kiritani), who could be described as the antagonist, deserved more screen time. Although her feelings for Kazehaya, alongside her motivations to discourage other girls from attempting to date him are shown, her relationship with Sawako suffers due to the film prioritizing other characters. Furthermore, though Misako Renbutsu may initially seem a strange choice to portray Chizuru, this particular actress on many an occasion playing shy, introverted characters, Ms. Renbutsu shines as this in-your-face opinionated and athletic student, while Natsuna is equally superb in her role as the sultry Ayane. Despite their characters been provided adequate screen-time, the sub-plots regarding their romantic relationships/crushes are largely unexplored, and by the end of the feature, seem incomplete, the film sacrificing these stories for the relationship between the leads.

Moreover, the sub-plot about the nefarious rumors spread about their characters is not given enough screen-time to be either poignant or humorous, unlike the anime. At the same time, homeroom teacher and sport enthusiast Ping is potentially the one character from the animation who is the most under-developed. During the anime, the back-story regarding his character assisted in conveying his personality, making his unusually unprofessional antics not only humorous, but greatly enjoyable, while in this live-action remake, his character seems peculiar, a couple of his scenes appearing forced, as though his character was inserted as an after-thought. This is similar to the role of Sawako's parents (Yasuko Tomita and Masanobu Katsumura) whose roles are incredibly limited in contrast with the animation, which is disappointing considering their talents, especially those of Mr. Katsumura.

When contrasting the animation with the live action adaptation, the film proves to be neither better nor worse than the anime, but equal, much of the story being based on the first volume of the series. Even with some of the lacking elements that were particularly enjoyable in the anime, this live action remake is a satisfying narrative in a bite-sized package.
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