Better Than I Expected
11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So... Terminator Genisys ...yup thats a thing. This movie was no where near as bad as some people/critics had me believing, I mean it wasn't all that great either but it was definitely a decent action movie. im almost glad i went into this with no expectations because i didn't feel so bad that it wasn't the sequel we all wanted, it was just more like a hurry up and put out a movie before the deadline or we lose the rights BS (ex. Amazing Spider-man, Fantastic Four, the new Ninja Turtles). Was It a bad movie? no Was it a bad movie in the Terminator franchise? Ya, to me this is probably the worst installment though it is definitely still very watchable i probably wouldn't pay to see it and i didn't but.. ya. The acting in this movie could have been better i mean Arnold was freaking awesome, Emilia Clarke was OK but i felt like she had trouble speaking fast and covering her accent and didn't fit to well in a action roll. Jason Clarke's Australian accent breaks through multiple times if you pay attention and i honestly thought he was the worst part of the whole movie especially the fact that everyone somewhat resembles the former actor except the most important one in John Conner. Jai Courtney played Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese Playing Jai Courtney if that makes sense he only has one character and he always plays that, though he did not destroy this franchise in the same way he did with Die Hard, and yet i loathe the fact that i will see him again in my beloved Suicide Squad movie. J.K. Simmons thank you, you once again were amazing and possibly the saving grace as far as acting can go in this movie even in such a small roll. The best parts of this movie for me was *maybe spoilers* when they go back to 1984 i thought that was so cool i wish they kept going through all the past events it would have been nice i loved all the easter eggs. also the Arnold vs. Arnold was cool for all 20 seconds but the best scene by far is the 7 seconds long of the song Bad Boys from Cops playing and the 3 Main Characters getting their mugshots taken doesn't say much for the film as a whole. The Biggest 3 issues i had with this movie were the total and utter disregard for the Third film Terminator : Rise of the Machines and its entire plot line in the time line, as well as the the whole John Conner's age thing from T2 until now. But the worst part was the way the whole bottom of this film just dropped out with about 10 mins run time remaining it was like the writers just gave up on the ending and winged it during production. Everyone kept telling me how intricate and confusing the plot was i honestly didn't have a hard time understanding what was going on, at times i felt like a lot of what they talked about didn't have anything to do with what was happening and made it confusing for no reason especially if you already didn't understand what was going on i can see why people got lost. Also a lot of the plot doesn't even make sense in terms of what and why they are doing things they are doing but i get the whole time line scenario. Overall i mean the acting was decent enough minus John Conner, The script was pretty terrible, the CG was good but i expected more, Good action scenes and set pieces, an almost decent story line, decent directing, good production value and a good soundtrack/score i felt like this movie had potential to be more but was just very rushed 3/5 Stars because its 100% watchable at least once especially if you are a fan of the franchise, if you were not turned off by the last 2 you will probably really like this movie its a turn off your brain i have nothing to do after work today kind of movie.
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