Sinister (I) (2012)
Eh...really that was it? Not all that "Sinister" in my opinion.
6 August 2015
Its been a little while since I saw this movie. I saw there's a sequel coming out soon so I looked up the original (on IMDb) first and saw a lot of "Greatest horror film in the last decade" or "Scariest movie I've seen this year" reviews and other statements along those lines, but I gotta say I don't remember it being that at all. First off I will not be tearing this movie a new one an saying it was horrible but I honestly had to watch the trailer again to even remember if I had seen this movie before or if it was another film I was thinking of. Since it was this film that I had seen combined with the fact that I could barely remember it seemed to me that this was not a good sign. A good movie (horror or otherwise) should leave an impression on you, and even an OK movie should at least be remembered a bit, unfortunately "Sinister" did neither. to me "Sinister" was just another run of the mill horror movie with a few creepy scenes, a few cheap jump scares and a very forgettable story. The acting was OK from what I remembered and it started off OK but it was nothing to write home about and certainly wasn't anything that gave me nightmares or even a second thought. Sorry "Sinister" maybe your sequel will be a little more memorable.
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