Madame Bovary (2014)
The Vidiot Reviews...
14 August 2015
Madame Bovary

The hardest part of cheating in the Victorian Era was removing all of your petticoats before you could screw.

Fortunately, the unfaithful wife in this drama has plenty of time thanks to her husband's schedule.

Married off to a small-town doctor Charles Bovary (Henry Lloyd-Hughes), adolescent Emma (Mia Wasikowska) is unsatisfied with her rural surroundings and her husband's absence.

These doldrums quickly culminate in excessive spending and extramarital affairs with two separate lovers (Logan Marshall-Green, Ezra Miller).

But when her affairs and increasing debt are exposed to her husband, Emma has no one but her past conquests to turn to for help.

An acceptable adaptation of the controversial classic, this abridged version doesn't sacrifice the novel's numerous themes, or dumbs them down. Instead it cuts through the unnecessary exposition to create a concise account of this complicated character.

Incidentally, Madame Bovary paved they way for future adulterers like Ashley Madison.

Yellow Light
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