Guess where Jason doesn't go in this movie?
15 August 2015
They had one job. Well, he sort of goes. One character says "go to hell" to him at one point. They missed a better title in my opinion: Jason Is Dead. Pretty catchy huh? You're welcome America. So, if you read the title as Jason dying they sort of pay that off. The Jason character supposedly dies in the beginning of the movie, and even gets a gross-out autopsy. Problem is, turns out he has some black goo in his heart which must have been causing all those issues he'd been having earlier, what with murdering folks and such. This black goo is basically used to completely rewrite the Jason origin story, throwing out all of the psychological motives he and his mother might have had, and basically turning him into a bloodborne disease, a Voorhees Zombie Virus if you will, except here there's only ever one Jason, and it just sort of jumps between hosts willy-nilly. Okay, so the Friday the 13th movies have never been great, and they've never been quite as ridiculous and funny as the Elm Street movies, but the audacity of what they attempt here really takes the cake: completely disregarding every bit of lore ever established on the character and pretending he can just morph about like some kind of sci-fi virus. So there's that issue. Then, of course, the acting and dialogue is garbage, there's not really any good kills to recommend, and the whole thing is just one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. Not one of the worst of all time, probably, I've seen worse, which is why I give it a 3/10. There's some amusement to be had in the total incongruity with the other movies, and its enjoyable enough for your horror buff like myself who will watch absolutely anything in the genre. Others should stay away, miles away.
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