Interstellar (2014)
A Great Sci-fi Film
30 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Interstellar is an awesome movie that I've heard a lot of debate about I can understand why people don't like it but personally I really enjoyed it. is Interstellar the best movie of the year 2014? probably not I still got to give that Gone Girl,I still have a few movies left to watch but I can't see anything taking that spot. Anyways back to the movie Great acting overall I really liked the duo of Matthew Mcconaughey and Anne Hathaway, Mcconaughey giving potentially the best performance of his career. I also really liked the robot tars he will be a very memorable character, but I have to say the best acting performance in this movie goes to Jessica Chastain she killed it in her role. I thought John Lithgow Was pretty good as well haven't seen him in a long time. Micheal Caine played Micheal Caine as usual but he seems to be pretty good at doing this I kept feeling like he was Alfred to McConaugheys sadly though there were a lot of weak performances as well especially by Matt Damon who feels lifeless, Casey Affleck, David Gyasi, and omg the always terrible Topher Grace somebody pull a Paul Walker on this guy and help us clean up Hollywood of its trash. once again lol. The Directing on this film was Great as we have come to expect from Chris Nolan add in some really good writing and production mix in some stunning visual effects and great sound editing with a pretty decent score and you get this a very well made movie which should be enjoyed and not over analyzed. Other then a few weak acting moments, some really loud noises and the runtime, the only other problem I had with this movie was that it suffered from what I call the Lord of the Rings ending, which is when the movie presents many points where it can end perfectly and leave you guessing or feeling good about it but doesn't and just keeps going presenting more questions that you have to answer but you don't know why. I kept feeling like no.... what? end now i like this ending haha overall I recommend this movie 100% worth the watch if you have 3 hours to spare. It's gonna look great on Blu-ray. 8 out of 10
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