Trainwreck (2015)
This movie is a Trainwreck so its not just a clever name.
4 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all i don't understand any of the praise for this movie, the first 40% of this movie is hilarious but in no way due to lead actor Amy Schumer who is only funny about 5% of the time in this entire movie. what will i praise? the Hilarious performances by the always funny Bill Hader, Colin Quinn and the two comedy new comers Lebron James and John Cena who had me rolling, but i digress the fact that the supporting cast out shined the main star is what makes this movie fall short for me. Amy Schumer in no way comes off believable as the man eater she plays, not to sound sexist or be a dick but i don't find her attractive almost at all. I just cant see all these guys being desperate enough to night after night hook up with this woman (especially when they look like John Cena that guy could have any girl he wanted). And the way she was dressed in this movie the whole time i was god damn i don't wanna see that, and im not trying to pick on her its the honest truth. I do find her funny on her show and i feel she would be good in a small supporting role but shes the worst part of her own movie. i feel like she just took the typical rom-com formula and switched out the slutty sleeping around party guy who cant settle down and made it a girl. And does anyone else feel like every single movie Judd Apatow Has some say in turns out to be the closest possible thing in style and formula to Knocked Up, he needs to stop trying to re-live his success and make something new and original i get that its what he might be good at but you gotta step outta your shell once and a while. I mean even 40 Year Old Virgin Which i know came out before Knocked Up has the same similar formula about two completely different people who come together and beat there differences to find love one of which who is usually a looser more fun outgoing person and one who is more uptight and strange, who at some point become separated by a fight and then miraculously love conquers all as usual. And also in perfect Apatow fashion the movie is way to long and boring and suffers from terrible pacing with front heavy comedy and back heavy romance. If this movie ended at the 47 minute mark and starred Bill Hader as the front man i would have rated it a 7 easily, but i just cant do it, the fact that the star isn't the star and doesn't come off believably takes away, and the fact that sometimes the jokes went to far for me and felt forced, and also the over use of stereotypical rom-com stuff that was just a small twist on the same old stuff we see every year i rate this movie 5.5 / 10 its watchable and sometimes funny but i promise you there is no way to watch this movie without ending up just playing on your phone and not caring by the end.
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