Passable time waster
13 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Beach bum David Zeigler (Treat Williams slumming for an easy paycheck) finds his life in jeopardy when he gets pitted against a bunch of gangsters who killed his brother in order to gain possession of a CD with proof of their illegal activities. Moreover, David also has to deal with a pesky shark who has some kind of personal vendetta against him.

The slack direction by Tonino Ricci alas lets the ridiculously convoluted and meandering story drag at an often sluggish pace, but at least takes decent advantage of the local color and locations in the exotic Dominican Republic setting. Tito Cari's murky script offers more talk than action and boasts several incredibly strained plot contrivances. The whole subplot about David and the shark comes across as pretty silly and laughable, but at least delivers a few choice absurd moments which include a particularly priceless gut-busting sequence in which the shark attempts to steal David's boat (!). Fortunately, the solid cast keeps this picture watchable: John Steiner has a field day as smooth lead villain Rosentski, Antonio Fargas contributes an utterly engaging turn as David's laid-back buddy Paco, the beauteous Janet Agren provides some tasty eye candy, and Christopher Connelly does well in his last role as friendly priest Father Mattia. Both Stevio Cipriani's funky-throbbing music and Giovanni Bergamini's slick cinematography are up to speed. An okay diversion.
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