From Darkness (2015)
Achingly bad
15 October 2015
Are you looking for a tight, tense detective drama set in the bleaker parts of a rainy UK city?? Then go watch Luther! Actually, go watch anything but this... From Darkness is awful.

They've obviously gone for a ponderous intense Scandinavian thing that every Detective drama seems to try for these days. A bit generic, but not necessarily a criticism. Unfortunately, FD appears to have been scripted by morons. People don't talk to each other like that, ever. The plot is mostly rubbish too.

I was bored after 20 mins, but dragged myself through the first 2 episodes. It got very very very slightly better but I still don't care about any of the characters, or the plot, or anything in the series - although the scenery is very pretty (Scotland - not Manchester!). A shame as Duff and Harris are terrific actors in everything else and this is a waste of their talent and time, but watching and even reviewing is waste of my time to be honest. There's a shedload of decent police dramas out there so go find something else, if you can - try Luther it's very good... Exactly the same way this isn't.

Well you've been warned, I'm about all done here. Run along now, off you pop......
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