Low Budget Australian Cricket Movie
5 November 2015
This is a great little movie, I've visited Wagga Wagga (so good they named it twice!) and have several friends there after working locally, in Coleambally and Mt Selwyn. Some good friends brought me this DVD from Oz and it's a little ripper!

Yes, it's a bit racist, based on stereo-types, but typically Australian country people living the good life. Even they don't know they have it so good in life. Easy jobs, well paid, lots of spare time and perfect BAR-B-Q weather every night of the year.

Surely we have all played this game in our own back yards, you already know most of the rules! Over the fence, 6 and out. One handed catches count after a bounce. And no hard bowling or hard balls..... Is it just me, or did we all play this game in the back garden.

Have a couple of beers, laugh at and with the Australians and enjoy this great little movie that you or me could have made in a few days spare time. Wish I'd thought of it first!!!!
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