Review of I Smile Back

I Smile Back (2015)
A look into a dark mental labyrinth
12 November 2015
First I must state my perception, my image, my imagination of Sarah Silverman is permanently altered! Thanks a lot Sarah! From a wickedly funny actress to depressingly serious actress - all at once! Sarah Silverman gives a performance in 'I Smile Back' that will both confuse and unsettle her fans.

Thanks to Sarah Silverman and fellow cast members Director: Adam Salky and writer: Paige Dylan have successfully brought to the screen a story that is a look into the dark mental labyrinth of an upper middle class housewife and her marriage to a successful man that has placed great value on image. There is no real beginning and no defined end to this story. The doors are suddenly open to this family and we are given a slice of their life and then the door is shut. We the viewer will never know when Laney Brooks mental decay starts nor when or if it ever stops. We see her as she is at this moment in her life.

Laney Brooks (Sarah Silverman) wife of Bruce Brooks (Josh Charles) live a most above average life with two very young delightful children. All seems provided for - beautiful home, beautiful parents, a very high end school for the charming and talented children. BUT as the saying goes 'still waters run deep' and all is not what it seems to be in this idyllic setting. Laney suffers an unaddressed need in her mind that she and we cannot comprehend. There is a pivotal scene where Laney tells her husband that she has some things, dark things, to tell him. He in-turn doesn't want to hear this and surrounds himself with the children eating cake and cookies. He only wants the that which is sweet and nice. As seen in Laney's expression this is yet another hurtle she cannot cross.

Sarah Silverman offers a very mysterious and dark performance in this depressing story.
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