They say if you give a mouse a cookie . . .
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . he'll ask for a cup of milk, and Bugs Bunny applies this Principle of Animal Psychology to the medium-horn bull upon which he's declared war in Warner Bros.' animated short, BULLY FOR BUGS. As most Americans learned in High School Civics Class, you cannot fight a war without someone having a gun. Bugs decides to bless his bovine foe with this conflict's lone firearm. Of course, if you give a bull a gun, he'll ask for bullets. Since Animal Psychology suggests that if one tiny bullet is good, two bigger bullets are better, this incautious bull quickly ingests an entire box of exploding elephant ammo to "feed" his security crutch, which is now an inseparable part of himself. As at least 72,306 sets of U.S. parents have learned in recent years, toddlers, kids, pets, and farm animals lacking expert tutoring in weaponry wind up stone-cold dead when paired with a loaded Death Projectile Spray Tube (that is, a gun). This is pretty much how the bull bullying Bugs finishes. Warner is showing us that guns are the domain of angry losers.
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